Lawyering with Purpose: How doing the right thing creates a positive effect

18 min read
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Last updated:
Apr 29, 2021

The world of law is often dominated by talk of more for less and a great deal of noise perpetrated in the name of efficiency and effectiveness. If we do this without a strong sense of purpose, we run the risk of creating an unattractive working life and losing all benefit to our business.

We asked leading industry champion, mentor and author Paul Gilbert to examine just how lawyers can work through these changes and keep sight of their purpose, look after their own wellbeing and maintain the close relationship that law has with ethics

Not all of Paul’s suggestions will make you comfortable and you might not agree with some aspects. Nevertheless, the simple step of reflecting resonates with us at LOD, where our mantra of ‘new and better ways of working’ loses much of its meaning without a deeper awareness of purpose.

Click here to download the report and discover whether you agree – we’d love to hear your thoughts.

You can also read the report here.

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