Legal Notices
How LOD operates in different countries
Lawyers On Demand (LOD) is a business providing flexible legal services. In light of the differences in the regulation of legal services and legal resourcing in the jurisdictions where LOD has offices, there are differences in the way LOD operates and is structured in each country. Please see below for further information on this.
LOD operates through the following entities:
A. Lawyers On Demand Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 134 434 370) whose registered office is at Suite 2, Level 8, 55 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia.
Lawyers On Demand Australia Pty Ltd is a registered incorporated legal practice in New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and Queensland and primarily provides secondment services whereby Australian lawyers holding current practicing certificates granted under the law of an Australian State or Territory, and other consultants, employed or engaged by the company are seconded to clients.
Consilio Global Australia, a division of Lawyers On Demand Australia Pty Ltd, which provides eDiscovery, document review, risk management and legal consulting services, is a business conducted entirely separately from the secondment and other services provided by Lawyers On Demand. The services provided by Lawyers On Demand Australia Pty Ltd, trading as Consilio Global Australia are not provided as legal services.
B. Lawyers On Demand (WA) Pty Ltd (ACN 127 063 781) whose registered office is at Level 2, Suite 4A, 1 Hood Street, Subiaco WA 6008, Australia.
Lawyers On Demand (WA) Pty Ltd is a registered incorporated legal practice in Western Australia and primarily provides secondment services whereby Australian lawyers holding current practicing certificates granted under the law of Western Australia, and other consultants, employed or engaged by the company are seconded to clients.
C. LOD Services Pty Ltd (ACN 602 692 151) whose registered office is at Suite 2, Level 8, 55 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia.
LOD Services Pty Ltd is a registered incorporated legal practice in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. LOD Services Pty Ltd carries on a legal practice known as LOD Legal providing legal advice and other legal services.
LOD lawyers practising in Australia provide legal advice and/or are seconded to clients as Australian lawyers holding current practicing certificates granted under the law of an Australian State or Territory.
LOD consultants (who are not Australian legal practitioners) do not provide legal advice.
Consilio Global Australia, a division of Lawyers On Demand Australia Pty Ltd (which is a related body corporate of LOD Services Pty Ltd) is a business which provides eDiscovery, document review, risk management and legal consulting services and which is conducted entirely separately from the legal services provided by LOD Legal. The services provided by Lawyers On Demand Australia Pty Ltd, trading as Consilio Global Australia are not provided as legal services.
Hong Kong
LOD operates through LOD Consulting (Hong Kong) Limited (Business Registration Number 61166673) whose registered office is Level 29, Infinitus Plaza, 199 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.
LOD Consulting (Hong Kong) Limited is a consulting business and a registered employment agency (licence no. 75077) and neither LOD Consulting (Hong Kong) Limited nor its consultants provide legal advice in Hong Kong or elsewhere.
LOD operates through the following entities:
A. Lawyers On Demand (Singapore) Pte Ltd (UEN 201104752Z) whose registered office is at 17A Boon Tat Street, Singapore 069618.
Lawyers On Demand (Singapore) Pte Ltd is a licensed foreign law practice in Singapore and it is not under common ownership of the LOD Group*. LOD lawyers registered and practising in Singapore are assigned to clients as foreign legal counsel and are strictly prohibited from practising or advising on Singapore law.
*In this context LOD Group means (a) each member of the group comprising LOD Global Limited, its holding companies and their subsidiaries.B. LOD Consulting (Singapore) Pte Ltd (UEN 201025073D), whose registered office is at 17A Boon Tat Street, Singapore 069618.
LOD Consulting (Singapore) Pte Ltd is a consultancy, not a licensed law practice, its consultants are not registered or licensed lawyers in Singapore and neither LOD nor its consultants provide legal services in Singapore or elsewhere.
United Arab Emirates
LOD operates through the following entities:
A. Lawyers On Demand HR Consulting (Middle East) Limited (DIFC Commercial License 2624) whose registered office is at Unit 29, Level 3, Gate Village Building 10, Dubai International Financial Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
B. Lawyers On Demand HR Consulting (Middle East) Limited Dubai Branch (DED commercial license 817918) whose registered office is at Office 504, Building 1, Bay Square, Business Bay, P O Box 75633 Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Each of Lawyers On Demand HR Consulting (Middle East) Limited and its Dubai Branch are respectively licensed in the DIFC and Dubai as consulting businesses and are not licensed as a law firm, legal consultancy or advocacy firm in the Emirate of Dubai. Neither of these entities nor their consultants provide legal advice in the DIFC, Dubai or elsewhere.
C. LOD Limited (ADGM Commercial License 2624) whose registered office is at Unit 3416 ResCo-work09, Level 34 ADGM Square, Al Maryah Island, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
LOD Limited is an ADGM licensed legal consultancy and management consultancy business.
United Kingdom
LOD operates through Lawyers On Demand Limited (registered number 8002546), whose registered office is at 6th Floor, 24 Chiswell Street, EC1Y 4TY, UK.
Lawyers On Demand Limited, trading as LOD, provides (i) secondment services, (ii) legal advisory services (under the name LOD Legal) and (iii) other associated services and technology solutions. LOD lawyers practising in the UK as England and Wales solicitors are individually regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Note that this regulation does not extend to LOD itself. For more information please see LOD lawyers practising in the UK other than as England and Wales solicitors are individually regulated by the relevant professional body in their place of admission. For more detail on any aspect of this, please contact LOD.
Where LOD UK offers Structured, Managed or Outsourced legal services and these services are delivered by SRA regulated lawyer(s), the following terms apply (note that this section is not applicable to our secondment services).
LOD Legal is a service offering from Lawyers on Demand Limited (“LOD”) offering legal services from our team of experienced ex-inhouse lawyers. Our LOD Legal lawyers are individually regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (or by the relevant professional body in their place of admission). LOD itself is not regulated by the SRA.
LOD Legal core offering is general commercial and employment work. We do not offer “reserved legal services” (see below for more information on what this means), immigration services, claims management services, regulated financial services activities and notarial services. If your matter involves one of these areas, please let us know and we will suggest alternative solutions to meet your needs. Accordingly, we do not offer the following “Reserved Legal Services”:
- Rights of audience: the right to appear before and address a court, including the right to call and examine witnesses.
- Conduct of litigation: the issuing of proceedings before any court in England and Wales; the commencement, prosecution and defence of such proceedings, and the performance of any ancillary functions in relation to such proceedings.
- Reserved instrument activities: preparing any instrument of transfer or charge for the purposes of the Land Registration Act 2002; making an application or lodging a document for registration under that Act; preparing any other instrument relating to real or personal estate for the purposes of the law of England and Wales or instrument relating to court proceedings in England and Wales.
- Probate activities
- Administration of oaths
LOD can also provide lawyers and other professionals on secondment to your business This Legal Notice does not apply to such secondments and separate terms and conditions will apply. Please speak to your LOD contact for more information about these services.
Professional Indemnity Insurance and the SRA Compensation Fund
LOD holds professional indemnity insurance to protect our clients in case something goes wrong and our legal professionals are covered by this insurance. Full details of our insurance can be provided upon request. As we are not regulated by the SRA, we do not have to carry the same level of insurance as a regulated Law Firm (see for more details and amounts).
Any claim in relation to LOD Legal services shall solely be against LOD and not personally against any of our lawyers or staff providing services to you. You will not be able to make a claim on the SRA Compensation Fund as this is not available to clients of firms not regulated by the SRA. The fund provides compensation to people who are owed money by a regulated law firm.
Please let us know if you need more explanation of the above to understand the position.
We want to give you the best possible service. However, if you’re not happy with the services or our charges, please speak to the Lead Lawyer for your matter (you will find their name in the email confirming your instructions). We welcome the opportunity to resolve any concerns you have with a bill or our services and we will aim to resolve the matter promptly. If you prefer you can raise your complaint directly with the UK Managing Director, Nigel Rea at
We also have a written complaints policy which is available from the Lead Lawyer or your usual LOD Legal contact; which details how to make a complaint.
If you are not satisfied with the result of your complaint, or if it has not been resolved within eight weeks, you may have a right to complain to the Legal Ombudsman.
Contact details are:
Call: 0300 555 0333
Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton, WV1 9WJ.
If you are unhappy about the behaviour of any of our lawyers who are regulated by the SRA, you can also raise your concerns with the Solicitors Regulation Authority. This could be for things like dishonesty, taking or losing your money or treating you unfairly because of your age, a disability or other characteristic. Please visit their website for more detail.
Our lawyers have a professional obligation to ensure that they do not act for a client where is a conflict of interest or a significant risk of one. We will carry out conflict checks as soon as possible after our initial discussions with you on a matter. If we identify an actual or potential conflict, we will discuss the situation with you to agree how the situation can be resolved. If you become aware of an actual or potential conflict of interest, please let us know promptly.
Confidential Information
Our lawyers have a professional duty to keep the affairs of our current and former clients confidential unless disclosure is required, permitted by law or you consent.
We may disclose your client information to give effect to your instructions and to any of our LOD Legal staff and lawyers for the proper management of your matter. As LOD obtains certain of its business services from other members of the LOD Group, LOD may also share so much of your information as is reasonably necessary for the receipt of such services. We may also disclose your information in confidence to our auditors, insurers and other professional advisors in connection with the performance of their duties.
Unless we agree otherwise with you, on completion or termination of our LOD Legal services, we will retain your documents for 7 years.
Our Team
Our outsourced legal services are provided by lawyers qualified in England and Wales, lawyers qualified in other jurisdictions, paralegals, legal managers and administrative assistants. All work is triaged appropriately and with appropriate points of escalation.
United States
In the United States, Lawyers on Demand does not operate as a law firm and does not provide legal services. Lawyers on Demand primarily provides secondment services whereby it provides (i) lawyers licensed or authorized to practice in a U.S. jurisdiction, and (ii) other consultants, who are employed or engaged by Lawyers on Demand or its affiliates to work with clients. Lawyers on Demand lawyers work under the supervision of the client’s law department. Lawyers on Demand consultants are not authorized to practice law in the United States and do not practice law or provide legal advice.
Terms of use
This website is owned by LOD and these terms set out how you may use this website. If you do not agree to these terms, you must not use our site.
We may revise these terms of use at any time by amending this page. Please check this page from time to time to take notice of any changes we make, as they are binding on you.
Acceptable use
By using this website, you agree not to use the website:
- for any purpose that is unlawful under any applicable laws
- to distribute viruses or malware or any other similar harmful software code
- to simulate communications from us or another service or entity in order to collect identity information, authentication credentials or other information (‘phishing’), or
- in any way that disrupts the operation of our website or business or the website or business of any other entity.
Submitting information to this website
While we try to make sure that the website is secure, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that you supply to us and therefore we cannot guarantee that it will be kept confidential. Any information that you submit to the website must be lawful, not offensive, not infringe the intellectual property rights of LOD or third parties and comply with these terms of use.
Privacy and cookies
Your privacy and protecting your personal information are important to us. Any personal information that you provide to us will be dealt with in line with our privacy policy. Our cookie policy sets out information about the use of cookies on our website.
Intellectual property
The intellectual property rights in some content (including trademarks) on this website is owned by third parties and we have been granted the right by them to reproduce such content. All other content and trademarks on this website (and the website itself) are owned by LOD and are protected by copyright, database right and trademark rights.
No form of distribution or making available to the public (whether in print or electronic form) of any of this website’s content (including trademarks) is allowed without our prior written consent.
Accuracy of information
While we try to make sure that this website is accurate, up-to-date and free from bugs, we cannot promise that it will be. We make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content on our site is accurate, complete or up to date.
The website provides general information and examples only and is not intended to provide legal, technical or other professional advice. Please speak to LOD if you require specific advice.
Website availability
We do not guarantee that this website, or any content on it, will always be available or be uninterrupted. We may suspend or withdraw or restrict the availability of all or any part of our site for business and operational reasons.
Hyperlinks and third party sites
The website may contain hyperlinks or references to third party websites which are provided for your convenience only. We have no control over third party websites and accept no liability for any content, material or information contained in them.
Limitation on our liability
Except for any legal liability that we cannot exclude in law (such as for death or personal injury) or arising under applicable laws relating to the protection of your personal data, we are not responsible or liable for any loss you suffer relating to your use of this website.
Governing law and jurisdiction
Your use of this website will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and any disputes will be decided only by the courts of England and Wales.
Contact us
If you have any queries with regard to this website please contact us at