Brett is a senior Australian admitted lawyer who was once a Senior Associate with Freehills before he moved to an in-house legal career starting with Telstra Corporation and then Nokia Networks for over 10 years in various leadership roles. Brett has lived and worked in Singapore and the Middle East for more than 11 years and has experience managing large teams and complex sensitive international legal and compliance projects. Brett joined LOD in 2017 to set up and grow LOD’s Middle East business operating from Dubai. His legal professional experience includes technology, telecommunications, infrastructure, corporate, ethics, compliance, trade compliance, trade sanctions, FCPA, UKBA, investigations and due diligence. Brett has always had a keen interest in alternative legal service models and legal operations since he set up Nokia Networks’ in house legal operations function.
Outside LOD
Brett spends a lot of time with his 3 kids, sharing duties with his wife to taxi them between multiple sporting activities, school and events. He is a keen paddle boarder, snow and water skier and a terrible golfer.