The LIBOR transition

Let us help you get ready for the most significant regulatory change in the financial services sector.

The LIBOR transition – a job the Bank of England Deputy Governor for Markets and Lending has described as “by some measures, the task is on a bigger scale than preparing for BREXIT”.

It was a complex task before the COVID-19 crisis began and it's now one that needs to be delivered using distributed teams against the new and increased cost pressures that the pandemic is placing on businesses.

We're helping our clients by supercharging their legal teams as they tackle the LIBOR transition. We call it a People+ solution.


Immediate capacity support

We’re helping clients bolster their current LIBOR projects with our LIBOR legal professionals. You'll see an immediate impact and our team are ready to go whether you need:

  • subject matter expertise and management;
  • hands on legal support; or
  • junior legal analysts.

With over 100 lawyers and paralegals with the sector expertise you need we're ready to scale up as needed.


Scale up project teams

We have Bolt On project teams that can seamlessly become part of your LIBOR programme. Each team is managed and customised to your processes.

With creative pricing based on outcome, not chargeable hours, we'll be delivering results, not more work.

Design the future

Integrated teams of legal technologists and lawyers

LIBOR presents opportunities for progressive legal teams to apply technology to solving the puzzle. In doing so, our clients are pushing forward a digital-first agenda, using the LIBOR programme to extract valuable data points from their documentation or to automate the process as effectively as possible.

In the UK, we partner with SYKE (the world’s foremost legal tech consultancy). So our People+ solution helps you get the benefits of lawyers and legal technologists at the top of their game. Click here for a recent thought leadership piece that highlights the benefits of bringing a diverse team to solving LIBOR.

A snapshot of some of the team

Senior debt finance lawyer with 15 years’ experience working on public and private debt transactions and related regulatory matters across the spectrum of financial products, including bank finance, capital markets, derivatives, securitisation and structured products. One year’s experience as lead lawyer for a global asset management company's change project to transition away from IBOR. Known for being adaptable, building relationships quickly, possessing commercial acumen and successfully tackling complex transactions and projects.

Financial & Regulatory lawyer with extensive experience working for financial institutions. Specific experience includes assisting in the delivery of the program to transition from LIBOR to risk free reference rates. Thorough understanding of the current live issues in relation to the transition from GPB LIBOR to SONIA, SOFRA and other reference rates.

An experienced financial services lawyer with a track record of advising on key legal and regulatory issues affecting the banking and financial services industries with demonstrable skills in implementing legal and regulatory change projects. This includes SRD II, Brexit, MiFID II, AIFMD, UCITS V, DGSD and drafting template agreements, policies, and negotiation guidelines. Capitalising on a wide knowledge of law and regulation in the banking and financial services industry – for example, custodian banks, broker dealers, and fund managers.

Why choose us?

  • We’re flexible. Seamlessly delivering a full suite of solutions - lawyers, teams and technology programmes - all customised for your world.
  • We are the experts in remote and distributed working. The way legal teams work has changed - remote not onsite, connected not desk bound. This isn't new to us, we've worked with clients in this way for the last 11 years.
  • Clients see us as refreshingly different compared to traditional law firms and accountants. We'll approach the work we do pragmatically and cost-effectively, designing the perfect solution for you.
  • We’re experts that partner with experts. We're The Lawyers’ "Law Company of the Year", working in partnership with SYKE, the recognised leaders in legal technology consultancy and winners of the British Legal Awards' "Technology Supplier of the Year" 2018. So we're perfectly placed to bring you a human-led, technology-powered solution. Find out more about our partnership here.

Get in touch for more information