LOD Contractor Code - ways of working
LOD works hard to ensure that its contractual and operational frameworks are effective for freelance lawyers. It also needs each lawyer to ensure that this is reflected in how they work day-to-day. It is particularly important to maintain the distinction from client employees which can otherwise sometimes erode over time. Below is a non-exhaustive list of LOD’s expectations from contractor lawyers.
- Do not take on official roles or officer positions of the client e.g. board member, treasurer, trustee, company secretary or company director within the client organisation.
- Never take responsibility for line management of client employees e.g. delivering appraisals, dismissing workers, having input into salaries or having employees report in to you.
- Identify yourself differently to client employees in written communications through your internal and external email signature - LOD can suggest appropriate sign-offs if helpful. Where possible, make sure you are not included on client org charts or phone lists or, if this is essential, ensure you are identified as a contractor. Externally, for example on sites such as LinkedIn, make clear that you are freelance.
- Identify yourself differently to client employees physically when on the client site - the client may give you a different security pass to employees and/or you may request an LOD lanyard.
- Remember that your client point of contact should not become your supervisor or line manager like an employee – e.g. you must not be appraised by the client like an employee or have absences approved like an employee. Like any client, they may of course request work and give feedback.
- Do not take client benefits of the sort provided for employees (e.g. free gym access, discounted products or services, subsidised canteen or paid-for work social events designed for employees), though do of course feel free to make the most of LOD’s support and lawyer events.
- Do not attend any general client-provided training not specific to your assignment or onboarding as a contractor. Do not attend general client meetings that are not relevant to your project or assignment e.g. client-wide business updates that are not relevant to your work.
- Remember to maintain your flexibility over working hours and location agreed at the outset of your assignment (and/or along the way) wherever you can.
- Work with LOD to ensure that you have one or more suitably skilled and qualified alternate lawyers to carry out the client assignment in your place where a substitute is needed.
- Remember not to move to a new project, team or area of work with the client without agreeing a new assignment notice with LOD.
v2.3- January 2021
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