Acting as an extension of your legal team

LOD Legal can support overstretched sole Legal Counsel.
You are the only in-house counsel in a start-up or in a niche sector business. You spend your time reviewing contracts and policies instead of working on strategic projects such as data protection and educating the business about data security. You’d also like to exchange ideas and plan next steps and future projects with your peers.
How LOD helps clients
We’ve been working with the sole in-house counsel of a leading European health company. We provided two of our LOD Legal team – one senior commercial lawyer to focus on template production and one junior lawyer to deal with contract and policy review. They are available as and when needed and have helps establish the contract fundamentals of the business, enabling future growth.
“The only thing I needed to change on your advice is to add my name to it. You’ve saved me a weekend of work” - Legal Counsel